I know we have all seen this before, but this particular tagging is meant to share completely random and perhaps hidden ones as well. I don't have ay deep, dark, and scandalous secrets to disclose, but even if I did, I don't think Blogland is the best place to disclose. I was tagged by my friend, Stacy over at Obsessed Mommy, Sister & Friend to tell these 7 completely random and perhaps hidden facts about me. You know the saying "You learn something new everyday." Well, my friends, today you are going to learn 7 new things. Now, let the learning begin! Here goes...
1. Matt Lauer: I have a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE crush on Matt! I adore him. I watch the Today Show faithfully everyday (I would even if Matt wasn't on) and just love seeing him. Knowing that he has three children makes him that much more attractive. Mr. Molly Lou know about this love affair and is coping with the fact that perhaps Matty and I will run away together. :)
2. Fuzzy Bathmats: I HATE fuzzy bathmats. Ever since I was a child, I have hated things in between my toes. (I love flip flops, but that is just one toe and is completely, completely different.) I used to come home from school everyday and ensure that there wasn't any sand between my toes by checking each one. Anyways, I hate fuzzy bathmats when you step wet feet down on to them. The fuzziness and wetness get in between my toes and cause serious anxiety issues. Poor Mr. Molly Lou, he loves a fuzzy bathmat, but by choosing to spend forever with me, he has said goodbye to the fuzzy mat. R.I.P. fuzzy bathmat!
3. Lizards: I hate lizards. I mean really despise and HATE, HATE, HATE lizards. They totally freak me out. You would think that after living in South Carolina and Florida, I would get used to them and those little chameleons wouldn't bother me in the least. I HATE THEM. When we were in Jamaica, a tee tiny baby got under the door of our apartment and it totally freaked me out. Mr. Molly Lou came home to me and Mini #1 (who was 7 months old at the time) on the couch that was moved to the middle of the room. He chased the little thing and threw it outside and proceeded to laugh at me for days. The little ones are the absolute worst. They are so quick and even more disgusting looking than their bigger friends. I have dreams and nightmares about them getting in to my house. If I ever disappear, it's probably the lizards that came after me.
4. Molly Lou Mini #1: I adore Molly Lou Mini #1, but I hate his name. I seriously spent the first 6 months of his life calling him a nickname that Mr. Molly Lou had given him in the hospital. At six months, I decided that the mini was going to have identity crisis if I called him something completely different than what the rest of the world was calling him. When we found out Mini #1 was a boy, Mr. was jumping up and down, SCREAMING because he was so excited. I thought I was going to cry. I wasn't upset that I would have this beautiful, smart, funny, and compassionate boy, I was upset on what his name was going to be. When Mr. Molly Lou and I started dating in college a bazillion years ago, he always said that his first son had to be named Molly Lou Mini #1*. It's his father's name and Italian tradition, blah, blah, blah. Keep in mind, it isn't a bad name and isn't weird, but there are just some names that you really don't like. I never thought much of it until we were expecting the mini. There was no caving and no compromise. The deal was that every child we had after mini #1, I got to name and he had/has NO SAY WHATSOEVER. He does like Molly Lou Mini #2's name and I was so incredibly generous and did give him an opinion.
5. Martha: I love me some Martha Stewart. I mean no one LOVES that she broke the law and went to prison, but the woman is amazing. I want to go to Bedford and see her royal digs. I could never be Martha, but I dream of being her cousin or sister. Mr. Molly Lou doesn't think so highly of Martha and I mentioned before about her
Encyclopedia of Crafts book he wouldn't buy me for Mother's Day. I really wish I could be as creative as she is.
6. Obsessed: I am cleaning obsessed. I love to clean...there is instant gratification when you clean. It's dirty, I clean it, BOOM! Sparkling clean and it always smells so fresh when the house is clean. I hate to fold laundry though.
7. Pregnancy: I love being pregnant. I had just about the two easiest pregnancies. I was really nauseous with Mini #2 for months, but that was it. With Mini #1 all was perfect and he cooperated unlike Mini #2 and came a week before her scheduled c-section, leaving us with no one to care for Mini #1 at 12:30 am and I was a slacker and was still packing my bag. I digress, the Molly Lou family wants another baby and I can't wait to be pregnant again. (I know I TOTALLY just jinxed myself and when said Mini #3 is on the way, I am going to have the worst pregnancy known to man. You can all secretly laugh at me then.)
Won't you join me??? Come on, let's hear it! Think of it as free therapy!
Happy Almost Weekend! Also, don't forget to enter the Molly Lou Gifts' newest giveaway for a set of Chandelier Thank You Notes and matching Chandelier Stickers from our new Kara Rosenberry Co. line....contest ends Wednesday. Invite a friend to follow and enter...we love new friends here! There's also the Stroller Patroller Combi stroller giveaway, my friend B's giveaway of her favorite things at Living in the Moment, and Muffy Martini's giveawy...so many giveaways, so little time. Cheers!!